Category: UX/Web

  • PA Dems – All In PA Brand Identity

    In my capacity as the PA Dems’ 2022 Coordinated Campaign Digital Director, I developed and executed various branding and visual identity projects for All In PA.

  • MEJO 187 – What’s Brewing?

    Web development project for MEJO 187 – Foundations of Interactive Media with Prof. Tamara Rice at UNC – Chapel Hill. We were assigned to create a single-page web app, or interactive dashboard, on a topic of our choosing using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My finished product, What’s Brewing?, is a basic guide to coffee fingerprinting…

  • MEJO 187 – Living Galápagos

    Web development project for MEJO 187 – Foundations of Interactive Media with Prof. Tamara Rice at UNC – Chapel Hill. We were tasked with designing and coding a responsive multi-page website using HTML, CSS, and assets provided by the instructor. Visit the site here.

  • MEJO 187 – North Carolina Votes

    The goal of this project was to create a responsive website design to showcase candidates for the North Carolina General Assembly election in November.