Assorted merchandise for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party webstore.
Web development project for MEJO 187 – Foundations of Interactive Media with Prof. Tamara Rice at UNC – Chapel Hill. We were assigned to create a single-page web app, or interactive dashboard, on a topic of our choosing using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My finished product, What’s Brewing?, is a basic guide to coffee fingerprinting…
Web development project for MEJO 187 – Foundations of Interactive Media with Prof. Tamara Rice at UNC – Chapel Hill. We were tasked with designing and coding a responsive multi-page website using HTML, CSS, and assets provided by the instructor. Visit the site here.
Support ad for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in the Daily Tar Heel on October 3, 2018. Words + design by me and planning, organizing + fundraising for the Orange County Rape Crisis Center by Insaaf Mohamed.
The goal of this project was to create a responsive website design to showcase candidates for the North Carolina General Assembly election in November.
Infographic for The Meantime Coffee Co., UNC – Chapel Hill’s first student-run, non-profit coffee shop, detailing its social value pillars and impact to date. As The Meantime’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, I oversaw the creation and execution of all branding, marketing, public relations, and social media operations and strategies, leading a team of three student…
Worth Magazine: Addressing Issues of Women’s Accurate Representation on Magazine Covers is a project by Alexis Fairbanks and Patty Matos that seeks to tackle the accurate, truthful, and unretouched representation and celebration of women.